2022年10月17日 星期一


因為下週無法參加好友婚禮,爲表示歉意特別準備了ㄧ小桌請他來吃。今天有兩道新菜超級無敵厲害!連離開時他們也要打包! #峇里島風之醬烤豬肋排 【BBQ Pork Rib】 只有英文跟villa主廚要的!懶得翻譯了! Ingredients: 1 kg Pork rib 豬肋排 5 pcs shallots乾蔥(或紅蔥頭取代) 5 pcs Garlic大蒜 2 pcs lemon grass香茅 2 pcs salam leaf月桂葉 2 pcs of Ginger, salt & pepper薑.鹽.胡椒 BBQ sauce: 1 btl tomato ketchup Honey Chopped Garlic Choped Ginger (我自已還有加點烏思特sauce.1/2匙紅椒粉,主要還是番茄醬跟蜂蜜基底) Methode of Cooking: 1.Cut the Pork Rib in to 1pc of rib(我是整排煮) 2.Put in boiling pan, add all ingredients and then pouring water until meat covering, boil for about 1,5 – 2 hrs. until the rib in tender 3.While boiling the rib we make the BBQ Sauce a.Chop Garlic, Ginger in to thin slice b. Saute in little bit oil until the flavor is coming out, pour in to tomato ketchup, honey and add a little bit water, cook until burbling, seasoning with salt & pepper. BBQ sauce is ready (我是沒煮直接調醬) 4.Drain BBQ Pork rib from boiling water put in the baking bowl, pour in the BBQ sauce and then oven for few minutes, just make golden brown color( oven with 170 degree for about 10 minutes) (他是有先稍微將醬跟豬肋排煮過再進烤箱,我今天是直接烤,所以慢烤了40分) 5. BBQ pork rib is ready to serve

